What Caroline Meant by €å“i Know What You Did㢂¬

Warm up!

Interview a partner with the questionnaire. Ask for more than information. Is your partner a 'party animal'?

ane) Do you like going to parties? Why (non)?

two) Do you like giving parties? Why (not)?

two) When was the last time you went to a party or commemoration? (for example, a wedding ceremony, a birthday party, etc.)

3) Whose party was it?

iv) Did yous have a good time?

5) What did y'all clothing?

6) What kind of music did they play?

seven) Did you dance?

8) Did you meet anybody new?

9) What did you have to eat and drink?

x) Did you lot stay until the stop?

Reading and Speaking.

A) Read the following commodity and complete information technology with the infinitives.

How to Survive at a Party…

to ask   to be not to boss to escape to get

to give to go to listen  to come across to startto talk (x2)

Has this e'er happened to y'all? You arrive at a party or wedding reception where you lot don't know everyone. Everybody at that place seems to know each other. What tin can you do? Here are five simple tips.

  • Don't stand up in the corner. You need  positive. Observe somebody you think you would like  and go and introduce yourself.
  • Try  impersonal questions like 'I love your bag. Where did you go it?' That will aid  a conversation.
  • Try  the conversation. When you lot are nervous, it'south very easy  about yourself all the time. Nobody wants to your life story when they've only but met yous.
  • Smile, grin, smile. Utilize your body-language  a positive, friendly impression. That mode people will want  to you.
  • If y'all desire  from a really boring person, say that yous are going to the bar  another drink or that you need to the bathroom. Don't come up back!

B) Are these recommendations adept to utilize at a party? Do you lot have your ain secrets?

Grammar Practise.

A) Complete the sentences with TO + A VERB.

exercise not drive get   larn   leave not make run into

1. A: How-do-you-do, I'm Dagmara.
B: I'm Renata. Nice  yous.
2. What do you desire  this evening?
3. I need  to the bank. I don't have any coin.
4. Try  a noise. Your father`due south asleep.
5. I'd actually like  a new language.
6. Be careful  too fast on the way home.
seven. She's decided  her husband.

B) Guess the Infinitive. Consummate the gaps with the suitable verbs.
(+) = positive infinitive, (-) = negative infinitive

1. I don't like my job. I've decided  some other ane. (+)
2. Oh dear! I forgot  the lights. (+)
3. I promise  anybody your secret. (-)
four. Your sister's really friendly. It was very nice  her. (+)
v. I was sorry  you when you were here last week. (-)
half dozen. You don't need  an umbrella. Information technology'south not going to rain. (+)

C) Express each question and answer as ane sentence using INFINITIVE.

1) A: Why do you get to the beach every weekend?
B: Because I like pond.

She goes to the beach every weekend to swim.

2) A: Why did yous move to London?
B: I wanted to find work.

3) A: Why are yous leaving domicile?
B: I'm going to university in Birmingham.

four) A: Why are you having a party?
B: It's my thirtieth altogether, and I want to celebrate it.

v) A: Why practice yous get up at six every morning?
B: I exercise my training and then.

6) A: Why are you going out?
B: I desire to buy some milk.

vii) A: Why are you saving coin?
B: Nosotros want to purchase a car.

8) A: Why are you going to Arab republic of egypt?
B: We want to visit Ali'due south parents.

ix) A: Why did you buy a new adapt?
B: I want to wear it at the function political party.

Listening and Speaking.

A) Listen to the record and complete the conversations with the INFINITIVE.

Conversation 1: I desire   him a 'Happy Altogether'.
Conversation 2: Perhaps you would like   my course one day.
Conversation three: I'd like   somewhere   .
Conversation 4: Yous're merely the person I want   to.
Conversation v: I need   to the   .

B) What to say and what non to say to people at parties? Complete with your ideas.

Don't Say Phrases:

1) If you're talking to a doctor…

Don't say: I have a Could you ?
Say: You lot look tired. Would yous similar a drinkable?

2) If you're talking to a instructor…

Don't say: You're and then lucky! You accept ?
Say: I'm sure information technology's very difficult to motivate teenagers.

3) If you're talking to a travel agent…

Don't say: Tin y'all recommend ?
Say: What's the most interesting identify you lot've ever been to?

4) If you're talking to a hairdresser…

Don't say: What practice y'all think of ? Is it besides ?
Say: What do yous think will exist the new style this twelvemonth?

5) If you're talking to a psychiatrist…

Don't say: Are you ?
Say: Practise you work with children or adults?


Read the following words and say what syllable is stressed. Then listen and check your ideas.

unsafe     determine    difficult     forget      important

interesting      possible      pretend      promise      remember

Vocabulary Practice. SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS.

A) Complete these conversations using synonyms given below.

fed up   generous brilliant  messy modern wealthy

1. A: Mary's family is very rich.
B: Well, I knew her uncle was very .

2. A: Expect at all these new buildings!
B: Yes. Paris is much more than than I expected.

3. A: Wasn't that moving picture wonderful!
B: Yes, it was .

4. A: George doesn't earn much coin, but he's and so kind.
B: He is, isn't he? He's ane of the most people I know.

v. A: Ann's sleeping accommodation's really untidy once more!
B: Is it? I told her it was yesterday, just she promised to clean it.

vi. A: I'1000 bored with this lesson!
B: I know, I'grand actually with it too!

Now listen to the tape and cheque your answers.

B) Match the following adjectives with their two opposites in task А.

1. interested
ii. horrible    
3. mean        
4. old          
v. poor        
6. tidy          


Make sure that you know these words and phrases.

to be downwards = to be unhappy
to brighten upwards = to cheer upwardly, feel better
to desert = to get out alone, abandon
to go on i'southward head together = to have sound listen


Mind to this song and consummate information technology.

You've Got a Friend by Carole Male monarch

When yous're down andtroubled
And yous need a
And aught, just
Shut your eyes and think of me
And soon I
To brighten up even your darkest nights.

You just call out my proper name,
And youknow wherever I am
I  to see you again.
Winter, spring,
All you have to practice is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah,
You .

If theheaven above you
 andfull of clouds
And that sometimenorth
Keep your head together
And soon I'll be knocking on your door.

Hey,  that you've got afriend?
People can be so cold
 anddesert y'all
Well they'll take your soul if you let them
Oh, yeah, just .


Answer some questions given below:

1) Exercise yous find it difficult to retrieve people's names?

2) Do you think it's important to learn to cook?

iii) What'due south the most interesting identify to visit in your town?

4) Take you lot ever forgotten to turn off your mobile in a cinema or a concert?

5) Do you lot think it'southward possible to learn a foreign language without going to the country?

6) Is there any role of your town where it's dangerous to get at night?

7) Do y'all always remember to phone your friends on their birthdays?

eight) When was the terminal time you promised not to come home late?

ix) Have you e'er pretended to exist ill (when you weren't)?

ten) Have you decided to go anywhere next summer?


Source: https://fluenglish.com/uroki/pre-intermediate-lessons/pre-intermediate-lesson-22

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